


姓名 严培舜     职称 讲师


江苏南通人,2022年毕业于南京邮电大学信号与信息处理专业获工学博士学位。同年9月进入8188cc威尼斯工作。长期从事新一代宽带无线通信安全传输理论研究,以第一作者在国内外高水平学术期刊如IEEE TVT, IEEE TCCN, Physical Review A, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Optics Express等期刊上发表论文12篇。近几年来研究兴趣:无线通信安全传输理论研究、量子纠缠纯化




[1] Peishun Yan, Yulong Zou, and Jia Zhu, Secrecy outage performance of transmit antenna selection for cognitive radio systems. IET Communications, 2017, 11(13):1998-2004.

[2] Peishun Yan, Yulong Zou, and Jia Zhu. Energy-aware multiuser scheduling for physical-layer security in energy harvesting underlay cognitive radio systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(3):2084-2096.

[3] Peishun Yan, Yulong Zou, Xiaojing Ding, and Jia Zhu. Energy-aware relay selection improves security-reliability tradeoff in energy harvesting cooperative cognitive radio systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(5):5115-5128.

[4] Peishun Yan, Jie Yang, Miao Liu, Jinlong Sun, and Guan Gui, Secrecy outage analysis of transmit antenna selection assisted with wireless power beacon, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(7):7473-7482.

[5] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong, and Yubo Sheng, Feasible time-bin entanglement purification based on sum-frequency generation, Optics Express, 2021, 29(2): 571-583.

[6] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong, and Yubo Sheng, Feasible measurement-based entanglement purification in linear optics, Optics Express, 2021, 29(6): 9363-9384.

[7] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong, and Yubo Sheng, Measurement-based entanglement purification for entangled coherent states, Frontiers of Physics, 2022, 17(2): 21501.

[8] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong and Yubo Sheng, A survey on advances of quantum repeater, EPL, 2022, 136(1): 14001.

[9] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong and Yubo Sheng, Measurement-based entanglement purification for logical qubit entanglement, Physical Review A, 2022, 105(6): 062418.

[10] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong and Yubo Sheng, Advances in quantum entanglement purification, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2023, 66(5): 250301.

[11] Peishun Yan, Lan Zhou, and Yubo Sheng, Single-copy entanglement purification for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, JOSAB, 2023, 40(8): 2050-2057.

[12] Peishun Yan, Xiaodong Ji, Yulong Zou, and Bin Li, Securing multiuser underlay cognitive transmissions with Hardware impairments and channel estimation errors, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted to appear, DOI:10.1109/TCCN.2023.3290400.